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Thanksgiving Treats for Fido

November 15 2017

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Your canine buddy will be right by your side—and perhaps underfoot a bit—as you start getting ready for the big day. If there’s one thing we know for sure about Fido, it’s that he loves food. Giving your pet a special holiday treat will definitely help get that cute tail going, but you’ll need to be careful with what you offer your pup. Read on as a local Cherry Hill, NJ vet lists some healthy holiday foods that are safe to share with your dog.


Fido will definitely be paying close attention once that delicious turkey comes out of the oven. You can share some of the main course with your four-legged friend. Just be sure to only give Fido plain meat, with the bones, skin, and fat removed. Hold the gravy as well: it may contain seasonings that aren’t safe for dogs. Your pooch can also enjoy plain, boneless meat, fish, chicken, or duck. If you really want to make your pup something special, offer him a plain hamburger, or even a steak.


Meat should make up the bulk of your four-legged pal’s menu. However, many veggies are safe for Man’s Best Friend, though you’ll want to offer them in small portions. Fido can have cooked, plain potatoes, squash, beans, peas, or spinach. Sweet potato is also fine for our canine pals. Just be sure to hold the toppings!


Appetizers are a big part of many holiday feasts. You can give your pooch one or two meatballs or cocktail wieners, a little pepperoni or salami, or cut-up boiled eggs. A small piece of cheese is fine too. Just don’t go overboard with these fatty treats!

Foods To Avoid

Many popular seasonal foods are toxic to our canine pals. Be sure not to let your furry friend have anything that contains chocolate, nuts, caffeine, or alcohol. Grapes, currants, and raisins are also on the no-no list. Garlic and onions are unsafe as well, and are particularly concerning because they are often used as toppings or seasonings for other dishes. Meat on the bone is also dangerous to dogs, as are raw meat, yeast, and dough, and anything that contains xylitol. Ask your vet for more information.

Happy Thanksgiving! Please contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ vet hospital, with any questions or concerns about your dog’s health or care.

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