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Helping a New Dog Settle In

March 1 2020

Are you planning to adopt a new dog soon? Congratulations! Getting a new pet is a major life event, as far as we are concerned. Those first few days will definitely be very special. They’re also very important! Read on as a local Cherry Hill, NJ vet offers tips on helping Fido get started out on the right paw in his new home.

Be Prepared

You’ll want to go shopping before you pick your canine companion up. Fido will need food, toys, treats, bedding, a leash, a comfy collar or harness, grooming supplies, dishes, and a crate for travel.

Go For A Walk

Before bringing Fido inside, take him for a walk around the block. This will help him burn off excess energy and allow him to ‘reset’ from his previous environment.

Veterinary Care

One of the first things you’ll want to do is schedule a veterinary appointment. This is a great time to get specific advice on Fido’s care needs!


You’ll need to do some petproofing, especially if Fido is a younger dog. Remove or secure things like toxic plants, chemicals, medicine, and anything small or sharp. If you have a yard, make sure that your fences are secure. We also recommend getting a self-latching gate.


If you have another dog, introduce them before finalizing the adoption. Taking both dogs on a walk together is a good way to see how they’ll get along. If you have a cat, keep Fluffy and Fido separated at first. Introduce them slowly, and supervise all interactions for a while.

Settling In

Consider putting Fido in a quiet back room with food, toys, treats, and bedding at first. This will give him a comfy place to adjust. Put a baby gate at the door, so your pooch can still see and hear you.


Pets often thrive on set routines. Get Fido started on his new schedule for walks, meals, training, and playtime right away!    

Getting To Know Fido

Dogs can form very strong bonds with people, but that friendship must be nurtured. Keep in mind that Fido may have quirks and phobias you don’t know about just yet. Be patient and gentle, and offer lots of toys and treats. You’ll have that tail going in no time!

Please feel free to contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ vet clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

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