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Tips for Correcting Bad Behavior in Dogs

February 1 2016

Dogs are absolutely wonderful friends and companions. Your loyal pooch will offer unconditional love and loyalty, which are both truly precious gifts. Fido will also keep a smile on your face with his cute mannerisms and that adorable tail wag. Man’s Best Friend isn’t perfect, however: our canine friends do have a few bad habits. To help your furry pal improve his petiquette, you’ll have to know how to properly approach the issue. In this article, a Cherry Hill, NJ vet offers tips for correcting bad behavior in dogs.

Be Positive

Punishing dogs for doing something wrong often backfires, as our canine friends really don’t understand punishment. Keep things positive by focusing on your furry friend’s good habits, and giving him treats, toys, and praise for behaving properly. When Fido does do something wrong, you can tell him ‘No,’ if you catch him in the act, but otherwise, ignore bad behavior.

Let Fido Be Himself

Don’t work against Fido’s innate personality! It’s very important to understand both basic canine intelligence and your pup’s breed characteristics. For instance, many terriers love to dig, as that’s what they were bred for. Instead of punishing your pooch for following his instincts, work with him: offer him a sandbox.

Be Clear and Consistent

Don’t confuse your pup with conflicting messages. For instance, don’t let Fido sleep on the couch one day, then reprimand him for it the next. When giving your furbaby vocal commands, always use the same phrasing.

Proper Training

All dogs should know and obey basic obedience commands. The five most important ones are Sit , Stay , Come , Heel , and Lay Down . If Fido hasn’t mastered these, send him back to school!

Offer Stimulation

Give your canine buddy plenty of fun toys to keep him occupied when he’s alone, so, instead of digging or chewing, he can channel his energy into something positive. Puzzle toys are a great way to keep Fido occupied!


Make sure Fido is getting enough exercise. A game of fetch or a long, brisk walk will help your furry pal burn off excess energy, leaving you with a calmer, better-behaved pooch. Your dog’s individual exercise needs will depend on his breed, age, and health, so ask your vet for advice.

Do you have any concerns about your pet’s health or care? Please contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ animal clinic, anytime.

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