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National Puppy Day

March 15 2016
Did you know that March 23 is National Puppy Day? Puppies are definitely something to celebrate! Those affectionate kisses, adorably clumsy antics, and tail wags are some of the best things in life in our book. Even if you don’t have a puppy, you can still honor this pup-tastic day. Read on as a local Cherry Hill, NJ vet discusses puppies!
Responsible Pet Ownership
While we can’t deny that puppies are adorable, there are far too many sweet, lovable pets in shelters that desperately need their forever homes. Make sure you’re not inadvertently adding to the problem! If Fido hasn’t been spayed or neutered yet, we recommend getting this done as soon as possible.
Adopting A Puppy
We know, it’s super easy to fall for an adorable furry face, but adopting a pet is a huge decision. Before you bring that cute little ball of fur home, ask yourself if you are ready to commit to your new pet for his entire lifespan.
Puppy Shenanigans
Little Fido will want to investigate absolutely everything in his new home, and figure out what he can eat and play with. This can put your furry pal at risk, because many common household items are very dangerous to puppies. Therefore, you’ll need to do some puppy-proofing. Remove or secure toxic plants; wires and cords; medicines; chemicals; plastic bags; small objects; and other potential hazards.
Puppy Care
Make sure to get your furry buddy started out on the right paw in life. In addition to crate training and housebreaking, your puppy will need to learn important doggy obedience commands like   Sit   ,   Stay   ,   Come   ,   Heel   , and   Lay Down   . Little Fido will also need several veterinary appointments, for exams, vaccines, parasite control, and spay/neuter surgery. Socialization is also in order. Ask your vet for specific recommendations.
Celebrate Your Puppy
Do you have a puppy? Make this special day extra fun for little Fido. Pick up your adorable pet some new doggy toys, and indulge him in a long play session. Or, treat your canine buddy to some yummy treats. Don’t skimp on those belly rubs, either! This is also a great time to take some adorable photos of your furry friend. Your dog’s adorable toddler phase passes quickly, so enjoy it!
Do you have any questions or concerns about your puppy’s health or care? Contact us, your local Cherry Hill, NJ animal clinic, anytime.

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