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Happy Healthy Kitties

September 1 2016

Did you know that September is Happy, Healthy Cat Month? Of course, we think our feline friends deserve to be happy and healthy all the time. After all, Fluffy’s adorable furry face, cute mannerisms, and playful antics have been charming us for thousands of years! Read on as a Cherry Hill, NJ vet offers some tips on keeping your furball happy, healthy, and purring.


Nutrition plays a large role in your kitty’s overall health. Make sure your cat is eating quality, nourishing food. Just be careful not to overfeed your furball, and don’t overindulge her with fatty snacks. Overeating can cause Fluffy to pack on extra pounds, which would be very bad for her health. Ask your vet for specific recommendations.


It probably won’t be much of a shock to learn that snoozing is Fluffy’s favorite activity. Cats can sleep as much as 20 hours a day! Your sleepy pet’s napping predilection makes it very easy for her to get out of shape. Offer your kitty some furniture that promotes healthy activities, like climbing and jumping.


You may not think that boredom is a big problem for cats, given that they seem to really enjoy doing absolutely nothing. However, kitties do need entertainment and stimulation. Offer your feline friend lots of toys to play with, and take time to play with her every day. Fluffy will also enjoy a window seat with a good view.

Veterinary Care

Proper veterinary care is crucial to Fluffy’s health. Your kitty will need regular exams and vaccinations, as well as parasite control. We also strongly recommend that cats be microchipped and spayed or neutered. In between appointments, keep an eye on your furry buddy, and watch for any signs of sickness. Contact your vet immediately if you notice anything unusual.

Kitty Comforts

As you’ve probably noticed, cats absolutely love taking naps. Fluffy will truly enjoy having a variety of beds to choose from. We also recommend getting your pet a scratching post, and perhaps a kitty tent.

Cuddles And Purrs

Cats need to feel loved to truly thrive. Pay attention to Fluffy: talk to her, brush her, play with her, and let her snuggle up with you when she wants. Kitty purrs and cuddles are truly precious gifts!

Is your cat due for veterinary care? Contact us! As your Cherry Hill, NJ animal clinic, we’re here to help!

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