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5 Great Resolutions for Pet Owners

January 1 2017

Happy New Year! As we leave 2016 behind and move into 2017, many people are reflecting over the past year, and setting new personal goals for the new one. Pet owners, read on! Here, a Cherry Hill, NJ vet offers some great New Year’s resolutions for pet parents.

See The Vet Regularly

One of the best things you can do for your beloved furry friend is to make sure they see the vet regularly. All dogs and cats should be spayed or neutered, microchipped, and up to date with their vaccines and parasite control products. Regular exams are also very important. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.

Keep The Toy Box Full

Toys aren’t just fun for pets: they’re actually very good for them. Fun playthings help promote healthy activities, like running and jumping. They also provide Fluffy and Fido with beneficial mental stimulation, and help fight off boredom and restlessness. Pick up new toys for your little (or not so little) buddy regularly.

Offer Good Food

Proper nutrition is just as important for our furry companions as it is for us. Make sure you are giving your pet healthy, high-quality foods. Treats are fine, and actually beneficial, but be careful not to go overboard with fatty snacks. Each type of animal has their own specific nutritional needs, so ask your vet for specific recommendations.

Watch For Signs of Sickness

Fluffy and Fido can’t tell us when they don’t feel well. Therefore, it’s up to you to keep an eye out for any signs of sickness. A few of the more common ones are unusual behavior or vocalizations; reduced appetite; tummy troubles; lethargy; and sudden weight gain or loss. If you notice any potential symptoms, contact your vet immediately. The sooner an issue is found and treated, the better! Ask your vet for more information.

Spend Time With The Furball

You’re the apple of your furry buddy’s eye, and the center of their world. Spend some quality time with Fido or Fluffy every day. Cuddles, playtime, and ear scritches are all important to your pet’s well-being, and are a very small price to pay for unconditional love!

As your local Cherry Hill, NJ pet clinic, we look forward to serving your pet’s veterinary care needs in 2017 and beyond. Please feel free to contact us anytime. We are always happy to help!

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