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Teaching Your Dog to Sit

August 1 2017

Does your canine buddy know basic doggy obedience commands, such as Sit, Stay, and Come? If not, Fido may need to go back to school! Teaching your pup basic doggy obedience is very important, not just for petiquette, but also for safety reasons. The command to Sit is a good one to start with, because it’s one of the easiest things you can teach your pooch. Read on as a Cherry Hill, NJ vet discusses teaching your dog to sit on command.

Stage One

Food is a great motivator for dogs. Start by getting one of Fido’s favorite treats. Choose something small but yummy, like a slice of deli meat or a piece of hot dog. Hold the snack close to his nose, so he knows it’s there. Next, move your hand up, so that he follows it with his eyes. Your pup will likely sit naturally so he can keep his eyes on his snack. Be careful not to hold the treat too high: you don’t want your pup trying to jump for it. As soon as your furry buddy sits down, give him the treat, tell him to Sit, and offer lots of praise and attention.

Stage Two

The second phase is basically just repetition. Dogs have pretty short attention spans, so Fido might get bored with a long class. Smaller, more frequent sessions are better than occasional long ones. You can also mix short training sessions in throughout the day. At suppertime, have your furry friend Sit for his dinner. Keep rewarding your canine pal with treats and praise when he sits.

Stage Three

Once your pooch has associated the verbal command to Sit with the action of sitting, start giving the command first, and slow down on the treats. You want Fido to respond even if you don’t have a snack. Be sure to praise your furry pupil every time he obeys the command.


Never work with your pooch when you are grumpy or feeling down. Dogs are very perceptive, and it won’t take Fido long to notice your mood. You don’t want your canine buddy to form a bad association with school! Also, avoid negative reinforcement. Keep things positive, and focus on rewarding your pup for doing well.

Please contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ animal clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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