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Holiday Gifts for Older Dogs

December 15 2019

Is your canine pal getting along in years? Fido is a part of the family, so your holiday celebrations just wouldn’t be complete without him. Of course, you’ll want to pick up a few presents for your furry best friend. In this article, a Cherry Hill, NJ vet lists some great holiday gifts for older dogs.


As Fido ages, you’ll want to focus more on keeping him comfortable, and less on entertainment. Making sure your dog has a good bed to sleep in is very important, as senior pooches often get stiff and sore. An orthopedic bed would be a great gift for your furry bff!

Massage Sessions

For many of us, a good massage is a soothing treat. Massages also help relieve pain, by getting rid of kinks and knots. This is also true for dogs! Ask your vet to recommend a good pet masseuse.


Proper nourishment is important at all stages of your canine buddy’s life. However, your dog’s nutritional needs do change over time. Fido may very well benefit from supplements and vitamins as he gets older. For instance, fish oil can help lubricate stiff joints, while glucosamine can help rebuild cartilage. Ask your vet for specific recommendations.

Elevated Dishes

When dogs eat from bowls on the floor, they often have to splay their legs. This can be quite uncomfortable for your four-legged friend! Consider giving Fido some raised dishes.

Pet Ramps

Fido may have a hard time climbing stairs, or getting in and out of cars, as he grows older. Pet ramps or stairs will help your furry buddy get around more easily.


Your faithful pet will never outgrow his love of snacks! Fill Fido’s stocking with a few different types of goodies. Dental-formula treats will help promote good oral health, while chew sticks will keep your pup’s jaws healthy. Of course, you’ll also want to include some that are just plain yummy.


Does your canine companion suffer from arthritis or hip dysplasia? Ask your vet if a sling or harness is a good option for Fido.

Beauty Supplies

Fido will both look and feel better if you keep up with his grooming needs. Paw balm, clippers, brushes, shampoo, and pet toothpastes are all great stocking stuffers for Man’s Best Friend!

Happy Holidays! Please contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ vet clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

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