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Keeping Your Pet Safe At The Pool

May 15 2023

With summer coming, many people are getting their yards and patios ready for warm weather. If you have a pool, your summer plans may include a lot of time lounging around. Just be sure to keep your furry friend in mind. Pools can be dangerous spots for Fido and Fluffy! A Cherry Hill, NJ vet offers some pet pool safety tips below. 


Pet pool safety should in many ways imitate child safety rules. One of the most important ones is making sure that access to the pool is blocked when it isn’t being used. Fences and gates are your best option here. Consider dividing your yard into sections.


Put a visible landmark near the pool steps. A life preserver, patio table, or potted tree will do the job!

Swim Lessons

Your canine companion will be much safer if he knows how to paddle to the pool exit. If Fido doesn’t know how to swim, you may need to teach him. Just check with your vet first, as swimming isn’t suitable for all dogs,


Another key thing is making sure that your dog can get out of the pool if he were to fall in by accident. Take time to show Fido where the stairs are. You’ll want to test him a bit, and make sure that the knowledge really sinks in. 


First and foremost, you should never leave your canine pal at the pool by himself. Even if Fido is a great swimmer, there’s still a risk of him slipping in by accident and panicking or injuring himself. 

Pet Safety Products 

Doggy lifejackets are a great thing to have, as they’re also needed if you were to take your four-legged friend boating. You can also get doggy stairs. If your pup can’t swim well—or at all— always keep a lifejacket on him when he’s poolside. Better safe than sorry!


Our furry pals can get pretty hot running around on hot summer days. Don’t let Fido drink the pool water. Chemicals such as chlorine and bleach are definitely not part of his recommended diet! 


While most of the things mentioned above mostly apply to dogs, kitty safety is also important. Your best bet here? Keep Fluffy safe and sound inside.

As your Cherry Hill, NJ pet hospital, we’re here to help! Please feel free to contact us anytime!

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