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Great DIY Holiday Gifts for Cats

December 15 2015

Do you prefer making holiday presents for your loved ones over buying gifts? Did you know that there are some absolutely adorable gifts you can make for your feline friend? In this article, a Cherry Hill, NJ vet lists some great gifts you can make for cats.

Box Castle

Your furry little diva no doubt thinks of herself as the queen of her domain. It’s only natural that Her Furry Highness should have her own little castle. All you need are some clean, empty boxes, scissors, tape, and a bit of creativity.

Window Seat

Indoor cats tend to spend a lot of time looking out their favorite windows and observing birds and squirrels. Make Fluffy a window seat out of a wide shelf. Install the shelf just below the window, and add a soft kitty bed to make it comfy. You can use Velcro to attach the bed to the shelf so it doesn’t slide off.

Pet Tent

Kitties love small, enclosed spaces. Make your furball a DIY pet tent out of an old tee shirt and a wire hangar in just a few minutes. Add a soft fleece blanket to make it extra cozy. This may quickly become your feline pal’s favorite napping spot!

Catnip Mice

Homemade kitty toys can be a great gift. You can use any material you want. One cute option is to use holiday-themed baby socks. Old clothes will also work. Just fill it with catnip, and sew it closed. Presto! Instant happy cat.


You’ve probably noticed that cats are, well, rather sleepy little furballs. You can make Fluffy a comfy new bed by upcycling an old sweater. Fill the sleeves with stuffing, and then sew them together in a round or oval shape. You’ll then cut and sew the sweater’s torso to the bottom of the sleeves, and fill that as well.

Kitty Garden

Have you ever given your feline pal a container of cat grass? Many cats really like this nutritious green snack, which can be found at most pet stores. You can also grow a container of kitty grass for your kitty. Put it in a cute container for your furry friend.

Happy Holidays! If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care, please don’t hesitate to contact us, your local Cherry Hill, NJ animal clinic. We are happy to help!

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