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Doghouse Repair Month

July 1 2017

Did you know that July is officially Doghouse Repair Month? Doghouses are great for our canine pals! Although dogs are happier, healthier, and safer living indoors, they do enjoy having a little place of their own. Doghouses also help keep Fido cool in summer and warm in winter. Read on as a Cherry Hill, NJ vet discusses doghouse repair.


Doghouses can be a haven for unwanted critters. Use nontoxic pest control methods to keep the area free of uninvited guests.


Bedding may sound like a good idea for a doghouse, but it actually tends to attract mice and other vermin. Use sturdy, safe mats or carpet scraps instead. Clean or replace these.


Fido’s doghouse can get quite dirty, so this is a good time to give it a good cleaning. Use a pet-safe soap, and rinse thoroughly.

Wear and Tear

Man’s Best Friend has been known to occasionally eat his shelters. If any parts of your pet’s doghouse are worn or chewed, be sure to make repairs. You’ll also want to look for nails, screws, or splinters that are sticking out. These things can cause serious injuries!

Moving The Pooch

We recommend getting a portable doghouse. That way, you can put your furry buddy’s home in the coolest spot in summer, and then move it to a warmer place for winter. Make sure that the door is facing away from prevailing winds.


Fido’s doghouse should be raised up off the ground a bit. This will help keep it dry when it rains.


When buying or fixing Fido’s doghouse, avoid using pressure-treated wood. It’s highly toxic to Man’s Best Friend!


Is Fido’s doggy home in good shape? Why not give your pup an upgrade, or a pupgrade? Add a little deck for your pooch to lounge around and look adorable on. You can also set out a wading pool for your canine buddy to play in when it’s hot. (Just be sure to keep the water clean.) You can also do some simple things to make your pet’s house look cute: add some nontoxic paint, decorative paw prints, or a customized name plate for your furry best friend.

Do you have questions or concerns about Fido’s health or care? Please contact us, your local Cherry Hill, NJ pet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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