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Holiday Snacks for Cats

December 1 2018

With the holidays approaching, many people are making delicious seasonal treats. If you have a kitty, your feline pal may very well ‘supervise’ as you are cooking. But what about Fluffy? Read on as a Cherry Hill, NJ vet lists some safe treats you can offer your cat.

Cat Milk

Contrary to popular belief, milk really isn’t good for cats. In fact, many furballs are lactose-intolerant! However, you can give your furry friend some kitty milk, which you can find in many pet stores.

Canned Fish Or Poultry

Tuna is one of Fluffy’s favorite snacks! You can give your cat a can of plain tuna. You can also offer her canned chicken or turkey. Just make sure that it’s unseasoned, and canned in water, not oil.


Fluffy can have many different kinds of fish. Halibut, cod, flounder, salmon, and tilapia are all fine. You can also give your cat crabmeat or cooked baby shrimp. Just make sure that the bones, skin, and fat are removed.


Sodium-free beef, chicken, or fish broth is a great treat for cats! Give Fluffy a small bowl on special occasions.


Kitties can eat most kinds of meat, such as beef, pork, and steak. However, there are some caveats here. First, make sure that everything is deboned, unseasoned, and thoroughly cooked. You’ll also want to either shred it or cut it into small pieces. Also, keep in mind that organ meats, such as liver, are only safe as an occasional treat.

Store-Bought Goodies

Store-bought treats are fine, though you’ll want to choose healthy ones. Look at the labels, and opt for products with ingredients you can actually identify. Meat, fish, or poultry should be listed first on the label, and should also be listed more than anything else. Ask your vet for specific recommendations.


If you like cooking, there’s no reason you can’t cook for Fluffy. Just be sure to stick to safe ingredients. Never give your kitty anything that contains garlic, onions, scallions, or chives; nuts; chocolate; caffeine; alcohol; grapes, currants, or raisins; pitted fruits, especially avocado; anything high in fat or sugar; or products containing xylitol. Also on the unsafe foods list are dairy products; meat on the bone; and raw meat, dough, or yeast.

Happy Holidays! Please feel free to contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ vet clinic, for all your cat’s veterinary care needs.

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