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National Dog Biscuit Day

February 15 2019

February 23rd is National Dog Biscuit Day! No matter what kind of dog you have—big or small, young or old, sleek or fluffy—it’s probably safe to say that your canine friend loves getting treats. Read on as a Cherry Hill, NJ vet discusses dog biscuits.

The History Of Dog Biscuits

The earliest form of dog biscuits probably wouldn’t seem very appetizing today. Fido used to get a lot of leftovers, so our canine pals were commonly given things like moldy bread, rotting meat, and stale biscuits. Yuck! Man’s Best Friend started getting better snacks in the mid 1800’s, when James Spratt, an American, decided to develop a sort of cake-like food for stray dogs. In 1908, the first Milk-Bone was manufactured in a bone shape. The rest, as they say, is history.

Benefits of Dog Biscuits

Dog biscuits are actually very helpful, as long as you don’t go overboard with them. Snacks of course taste great to Fido, and are a good break from his regular doggy food. They can also help keep your pet’s choppers clean. Another benefit of dog biscuits is the fact that they make wonderful rewards. This is super helpful when training your canine buddy, or when you want to reward him for being good. Last but not least, treats can really help you bond with your furry companion.

Choosing The Right Treats

Your canine companion probably wouldn’t mind doing a taste test of every type of treat you can find. However, good luck figuring out his favorites: he’ll probably get super excited no matter what you offer him. Just try to stick to healthy snacks. Reading labels is one way to figure out what is and isn’t good for your furry friend. Opt for brands that list meat, fish, or poultry as the first ingredient. If the label reads like a science project, choose something else.


Although most dog biscuits are safe, occasionally a tainted batch does get released. It isn’t a bad idea to keep up with pet food recalls. You can do that by setting up email alerts, or by following the AMVA pet food recall page here or the FDA one here . Better safe than sorry!

Do you have questions about your dog’s health, diet, or care? Contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ vet clinic, today! We’re dedicated to offering the best veterinary care around!

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