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Aggression in Cats

July 15 2019

Does your cat sometimes morph from a cuddly ball of fur to a little maelstrom on paws? Kitties can be very cute and cuddly, but they can also be a bit temperamental, to say the least. Aggression in cats is definitely something to take seriously. Those little claws and teeth hurt! Here, a Cherry Hill, NJ vet offers tips on dealing with aggressive felines.

Get To The Source

In order to successfully address and fix your furball’s aggression, you’ll need to figure out why she’s acting up. If Fluffy is still a kitten, she may just not have learned manners yet. Older cats may become aggressive if they feel frightened, threatened, anxious, or even lonely. Kitties also sometimes act out of misdirected rage or territorialism. (In a nutshell, that means Fluffy is actually angry at the cat she just spotted walking through the yard. But, since she can’t attack the trespasser, she lashes out at you instead.) Mama cats, of course, often get very defensive over their kittens. Pain from a medical issue can also lead to aggression. Last but not least, some cats are simply furry curmudgeons by nature.

Helping Kitty Cope

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to improve your feline buddy’s behavior. If you have a kitten, teach your feisty ball of fur good petiquette by ignoring her when she attacks. Also, make sure your pet has lots of toys, so she can take her aggression out on them, instead of you. Speaking of playing, daily play sessions are also beneficial. This is a great way for Fluffy to burn off her excess energy! Afterwards, she’ll be tired and, hopefully, less grumpy. We also recommend giving your pet hidey-holes in every room. This can be a pet tent, a paper bag, or a spot under a bed or couch. Finally, you’ll want to rule out medical issues as a potential source of kitty angst. Schedule a thorough exam for your pet ASAP.


Although cats can change their moods very quickly, they usually give some form of warning before they attack. Fluffy may growl, hiss, poof out her fur, lash her tail, and/or flatten her ears. If your feline friend displays any of these red flags, don’t press the issue. Just walk away and leave her alone.

As your Cherry Hill, NJ vet clinic, we are here to help! Call us today!

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