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7 Ways To Celebrate Spoil Your Dog Day

August 1 2019
Did you know that August 10th is Spoil Your Dog Day? Of course, given the option, Fido would probably insist that every day should be Spoil Your Dog Day. We can’t really argue with that: we love seeing pampered pets. However, if you want to make your canine buddy feel extra special on this puptastic holiday, read on! Here, a Cherry Hill, NJ vet offers tips on how to spoil your dog.
If we could ask our furry patients what they wanted for their special day, we suspect the first thing on the list would be to spend as much time as possible with their favorite humans. Second on the list would be food. Offer Fido something special, like some cooked, plain meat, fish, or chicken; gourmet doggy treats; or even a piece of steak! Doggy ice cream is another good option.
Dogs are always adorable when they spot a new toy and get that excited look of anticipation on their faces. Pick up a new plaything for your furry buddy, and spend time playing with him.
Man’s Best Friend is very curious, and loves to explore new places. Take Fido to a dog park, or try a new trail with him. This can be a great way to wind down after a long day!
One thing your canine pal is sure to appreciate is a comfy new bed. (Tip: orthopedic beds are great for senior dogs and large breeds.)
Puppy Play Zone
Do you have a yard for your dog to run around in? Give it a ‘pupgrade’ by adding a doghouse or sandbox for your furry pal. You can also get Fido’s tail wagging by incorporating a mechanical ball launcher, some tug toys, or a pet fountain.
Many of our canine patients love swimming! If your dog enjoys splashing around, treat him with a trip to a dog-friendly pool or beach. If Fido isn’t a very good swimmer, offer him a kiddie pool to splash around in instead.
Belly Rubs
The best way to spoil Fido is to make him feel loved. You’re the center of his world, and the apple of his eye. Keep that cute tail going by paying him lots of attention.
Please contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ vet clinic, for all your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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