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Ways to Keep Your Senior Dog Happy This Year

January 3 2022

Well, it’s official: 2021 is in the rear view mirror. As we move forward into 2022, many people are focusing on their goals for the coming year. If your dog is in his golden years, you may need to adjust his care regimen a bit. A Haddon Township & Cherry Hill, NJ vet lists some resolutions for people with senior dogs below.

Offer Soft Beds

It’s very important for Fido to be able to sleep comfortably at night. Make sure your canine buddy has a comfy bed. (Tip: orthopedic beds are great options for older dogs.)

Consider Supplements

As your pet ages, his nutritional needs will change a little. He may benefit from certain supplements. For instance, glucosamine can be very helpful for arthritic pups. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Keep Fido Active

Fido will slow down as he grows older, just as we all do. However, it’s important to keep him active. Otherwise, his muscles may weaken and atrophy. He’ll also be more likely to gain weight, which can cause or contribute to a whole slew of problems. For most older dogs, daily walks are the best option. Weather permitting, you may also be able to take your pooch swimming. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Visit The Doctor

Speaking of veterinarians, your dog may need to visit his a little more often in his golden years. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.

Don’t Skimp On Belly Rubs

Love is also a key ingredient to Fido’s care regimen. Pay lots of attention to your canine companion this year. Belly rubs, ear scritches, and other signs of affection will all help your beloved pet feel loved and safe!

Spend Quality Time

It can be a bit of a shock to find that Fido’s muzzle is going grey, or notice him having a hard time jumping into the car. This is a special time in your pet’s life, and one where he needs you more than ever. Spend time with your furry best friend every day. The time we have with our furry friends is precious, and passes much too quickly.

All of us at Animals First + Veterinary Hospital & Urgent Care , your Haddon Township & Cherry Hill, NJ animal clinic, wish you (and your pets) a happy new year. We look forward to providing you with great care in 2022 and for years to come. 

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