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Making Dog Nog

December 15 2022

Season’s Greetings! At this time of year, many people enjoy drinking eggnog. This classic holiday drink first became popular among the British aristocracy, who were the only ones who could easily afford milk, eggs, and sherry, which were very expensive at the time. In the 18th century, it became popular with Americans, who traded the sherry for rum. Your canine buddy may not be too impressed by the drink’s history, but he will be interested in an eggnog of his own. A Cherry Hill, NJ vet lists a few dog nog recipes you can make for Fido in this article.

Happy Tails

You’ll mix a half banana with sodium-free chicken broth, a cup of unsweetened almond milk, a half cup of coconut milk, and a pinch of cinnamon. Put into a blender or food processor and beat until frothy. Don’t forget to have Fido do a cute trick for his treat!


For this one, you’ll need two frozen dog treats, real egg whites, and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Just blend together, until you get a froth. For extra tail wags, put a dog treat on top.

Chicken Dog Nog

Mix one boiled, boneless skinless chicken breast with 4 cups of water, a cup of flour, two eggs, and a pinch of parsley in a food processor. Instant happy pup!

Santa Paws

Who says eggnog can’t come in biscuit form? Start by beating one egg in a small bowl. Then, in a separate bowl, mix gluten-free or whole-wheat flour, oats, and cinnamon. Mix well, then stir in the beaten egg, along with some peanut butter and honey. After you roll the dough out, use a bone-shaped cookie cutter to shape. About 20 minutes at 350 should do it.


There are several more recipes for dog nog online. You can also mix and match, and/or create your own. Just be sure to stick with safe ingredients. Some things you can use include natural peanut butter, sodium-free broth, plain Greek yogurt, ripe bananas, pureed pumpkin, and, of course, chopped treats. 

If you find recipes that include nutmeg, leave it out: it isn’t safe for Fido. Other unsafe foods include garlic and onion; scallions and chives; grapes and raisins; chocolate; alcohol; caffeine; avocado; and pitted fruits. Ask your vet for more information.

Happy Holidays from Animals First + Veterinary Hospital, your Cherry Hill, NJ animal clinic. Contact us anytime!

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