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Pet Travel Safety Day

July 1 2023

Today is Pet Travel Safety Day! Many people like to take their animal companions on trips with them. This can be good or bad. Dogs tend to be a bit more amenable to traveling than cats are, but there are some kitties out there enjoying the van life. Just keep your furry friend’s safety in mind if you do bring them with you. A Cherry Hill, NJ vet offers some tips on this below.


Before you head out on your trip, take your furry friend in for a full exam. You’ll also need to update any recommended vaccines. If you’re leaving the country, you’ll need to time this carefully, as this may need to happen within a certain time frame, such as within 14 days of your trip. Keep in mind that you may need additional measures to protect your pet from local hazards in the area you’re planning to visit. For instance, if you’re headed to the desert, you may want to consider a rattlesnake vaccine. Ask your vet for more information,


Pets should always travel in crates or carriers. It’s just much safer for them! Get your furry friend used to their carrier before your trip. Add comfy bedding and some toys, and get them used to going on rides in it. There are a few safety concerns with crates. Never leave pets in cars unattended, even for a few minutes. We also recommend having some form of ID on the crate itself. Luggage tags work well. This is particularly helpful if you are flying and your pet is traveling in cargo.


Be sure to confirm your furry pal’s reservations well in advance of your trip. This applies regardless of whether you are staying at a hotel, Airbnb, or with friends or family.


Flying with pets can be tricky. If possible, have your pet travel in the cabin with you. This may not be possible for all pets, but it’s usually an option for a cat or small dog, as well as service animals. If Fido has to travel in the cargo hold, things get a bit trickier. Opt for the shortest flights possible, and choose a direct flight if you can. You’ll also need to research airline regulations and safety records.

Do you have questions about traveling with your pet? Contact us, your Cherry Hill, NJ animal clinic, anytime!

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